Cataclysm Quests!

Low-level Quest Experiences

Special Zone  Horde  Alliance 
Name  Date Patch  Date  Patch
Worgen starting N/A N/A 9/13 ?
Goblin starting 11/9/15 6.2.2 N/A N/A
Kalimdor Zone  Horde  Alliance 
Name  Date Patch  Date  Patch
Azuremyst Isle (1-10) N/A N/A
Durotar (1-10) (Troll and Orc) 11/8/15 6.2.2 N/A N/A
Mulgore (1-10) 9/20/14 5.4 N/A N/A
Teldrassil (1-10) N/A N/A
Azshara (10-20) 11/11/15 6.2.2 N/A N/A
Bloodmyst Isle (10-20) N/A N/A
Darkshore (10-20) N/A N/A
Northern Barrens (10-20) 1/24/15 6.0.3 N/A N/A
Ashenvale (20-25) 2/25/15 6.1
Stonetalon Mountains (25-30) 3/15/15 6.1
Desolace (30-35) 4/21/15 6.1
Southern Barrens (30-35) 5/1/15 6.1
Dustwallow March (35-40) 5/26/15 6.1
Feralas (35-40) 6/20/15 6.1
Thousand Needles (40-45) 7/22/15 6.2
Felwood (45-50) 8/5/15 6.2
Tanaris (45-50) 8/7/15 6.2
Un’goro Crater (50-55) 9/9/15 6.2 ~Same
Winterspring (50-55) 10/13/15 6.2 ~Same
Moonglade (55-60) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Silithus (55-60) 10/14/15 6.2 ~Same
Eastern Kingdoms Zone  Horde  Alliance 
Name  Date Patch  Date  Patch
Dun Morogh (1-10) (Gnome and Dwarf) N/A N/A 2/13/16 6.2.3
Elwynn Forest (1-10) N/A N/A 5/24/14 5.4
Eversong Woods (1-10) 8/16/14 5.4 N/A N/A
Tirisfal Glades (1-10) 2/14  ? N/A N/A
Westfall (10-15) N/A N/A 5/24/14 5.4
Ghostlands (10-20) 8/30/14 5.4 N/A N/A
Loch Modan (10-20) N/A N/A 8/5/16 7.0.3
Silverpine Forest (10-20) 2/14/14  ? N/A N/A
Redridge Mountains (15-20) N/A N/A 5/25/14 5.4
Duskwood (20-25) N/A N/A 6/11/14 5.4
Hillsbrad Foothills (20-25) 3/28/14  ? N/A N/A
Wetlands (20-25) N/A N/A 2/10/16 6.2.3
Arathi Highlands (25-30) 4/6/14  ? 9/4/19 8.2
Northern Stranglethorn (25-30) 9/5/11  ? 7/5/14 5.4
Cape of Stranglethorn (30-35) 9/5/11  ? 8/14/14 5.4
Hinterlands (30-35) 4/17/14  ? 9/21/19 8.2
Western Plaguelands (35-40) 4/26/14  ? 10/24/20 9.0.1
Eastern Plaguelands (40-45) 5/2/14  ? ~Same
Badlands (44-48) 5/30/14 5.4 4/8/24 10.2.6
Searing Gorge (47-51) 6/1/14 5.4 ~Same
Burning Steppes (49-52) 6/1/14 5.4 next
Swamp of Sorrows (52-54) 6/2/14 5.4
Blasted Lands (54-60) 6/6/14 5.4
Deadwind Pass (55-56) N/A N/A N/A N/A

High-level Quest Experiences

Zone  Horde  Alliance 
Name  Date Patch  Date  Patch
Mount Hyjal 4/13/11 ~Same
Vashj’ir 12/28/10
Deepholm 9/18/11
Uldum 8/5/12 ~Same
Twilight Highlands 9/3/12
Tol Barad ? 4.0
Tol Barad Peninsula ? 4.0
Molten Front 10/30/11

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